Council of Ministers - 2025 January 15

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, His Excellency Mr. Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar FAYE, President of the Republic, presided over the weekly Council of Ministers meeting at the Presidential Palace.

In his opening remarks, the President emphasized the urgency of accelerating the modernization of transportation in all its sectors following the conclusions of the sector's general assembly.

He instructed the Prime Minister and the Minister of Infrastructure and Land and Air Transport to finalize the Government's Action Plan for the modernization of land transport, taking into account all legal, logistical, administrative, fiscal, and financial constraints in the execution agenda to achieve the defined collective objectives.

The President reminded the Government of the need to adopt a special regulatory framework for the circulation of mopeds, in accordance with the highway code and prescribed measures for the transport of people in well-targeted areas and localities, as part of the implementation of road safety improvement measures.

Furthermore, the President invited the Minister of Infrastructure and Land and Air Transport to intensify the process of renewing heavy goods vehicles, urban and interurban transport vehicles of all categories. He asked the Government to prioritize the transport sector in the deployment of incentives to promote employability and decent employment for young people.

In this regard, the Government should enhance the development of professional training instruments (for drivers, mechanics, etc.) and better secure 'informal jobs' in the sector through the organization of actors, adequate financing, and the gradual conclusion of regular employment contracts with systematic social coverage.

The provisions of the National State-Employer Convention and Universal Health Coverage should be utilized in this context. Referring to the 'Xeyu ndaw ñi' Program, implemented since 2021 and facing major shortcomings, the President requested the Prime Minister to undertake all necessary measures with the involved Ministers to evaluate and reframe the program by the end of March 2025. This program should evolve into a new, more efficient concept of 'Youth Employment' that strongly integrates all targets.

**"This pragmatic review of the Program should allow for a rapid adjustment of its components and sectoral objectives in terms of job creation and the promotion of entrepreneurship through the optimization of allocated funding and various income-generating activities. The implementation of 'Vision Senegal 2050' must give special priority to the development of maritime and port infrastructure.

In this regard, the Head of State has asked the Prime Minister and the Minister in charge of Maritime and Port Infrastructure to finalize, by the end of March 2025, the new maritime and port policy of Senegal, taking into account the maritime vocation of our country and the various projects received, ongoing, or planned.

In this context, he emphasized the need, in terms of reforms, to update and expand the governance framework of Senegal's public and private ports, as well as to strengthen the National Maritime Affairs Agency (ANAM), given the new challenges related to maritime navigation. Furthermore, he asked the Minister of Port and Maritime Infrastructure to intensify the modernization of ports and fishing docks. These establishments should benefit from an expanded modernization program across the national territory.

The President of the Republic also indicated the urgency of revising the partnership between the State and the Senegalese Consortium of Maritime Activities (COSAMA), as well as the need to establish full national sovereignty over the management and development of Dakar's shipyards, with the strategic repositioning of the Naval Repair Infrastructure Company (SIRN), reinforced by the rise of the National Navy.

In the same vein, he invited the Minister of Fisheries and Maritime and Port Infrastructure to work with the Minister of Finance and Budget and the Minister of Industry and Commerce to evaluate and reorient the missions and activities of the Senegalese Shippers' Council (COSEC). Referring to the strengthening of relations between the State and religions, the Head of State reminded the Government of the central role of religious communities in consolidating national unity and social stability in Senegal.

He reiterated his desire to elevate these relations to a high institutional level with the upcoming creation, after consultation with all stakeholders, of the General Delegation for Religious Affairs. In this spirit, he asked the Prime Minister to further engage the Government in accelerating the modernization of religious cities and the development of religious tourism. Furthermore, the President of the Republic invited the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs to take all necessary measures, under the supervision of the Prime Minister, to ensure the proper organization of the 2025 edition of the Pilgrimage to the Holy Places of Islam as well as to the Holy Places of Christianity. Finally, he asked the Minister of the Interior and Public Security to ensure the proper preparation of the 'Kazu Rajab' Magal, scheduled for January 27, 2025, and the 145th edition of the Call of Seydina Limamou LAYE, scheduled for January 30 and 31, 2025.

In his communication, the Prime Minister first reported on the progress and main conclusions of his visit to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania from January 12 to 14, 2025. He highlighted the significant advances in cooperation between the two countries, particularly on issues related to the development of the GTA gas project and those in the fisheries and land transport sectors.

The Prime Minister then welcomed the conclusions of the operational implementation workshop of the National Transformation Agenda 'Vision Senegal 2050,' urging Government members to strictly adhere to the agreed schedule, including the validation of the list of priority programs, projects, and reforms, as well as the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. He emphasized the structured management of change, continuous training, and the strengthening and enhancement of Study and Planning Units.

**"Reiterating the need for meticulous monitoring of budget credits allocated to investment expenditures pending the maturation of priority programs and projects of the 2025 Roadmap of the 2025-2029 five-year plan, the Prime Minister asked the Minister of Finance and Budget, in collaboration with the Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation and the Minister, Secretary General of the Government, to submit to him as soon as possible the list of programs and projects to be retained for expenditures to be committed during the first quarter of 2025, for approval by the President of the Republic. Finally, the Prime Minister informed the Council, as part of the measures to reduce the state's expenses, of the new modalities that will now govern the approval of foreign missions for state agents.


  • The Minister of Communication, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy made a communication on Senegal's new digital strategy called 'the Technological New Deal';

  • The Minister of Youth, Sports, and Culture provided an update on the preparations for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG Dakar 2026).


The President of the Republic made the following decisions:

Under the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs:

  • Mr. Baye Moctar DIOP, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor of Exceptional Class, payroll number 604 129/B, previously Ambassador of Senegal to Belgium, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Emmanuel MACRON, President of the French Republic, replacing Mr. El Hadji Magatte SEYE, called to other functions;

  • Mr. El Hadji Magatte SEYE, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 515 893/G, previously Ambassador of Senegal to France, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El GHAZOUANI, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, replacing Mr. Birame Mbagnick DIAGNE, called to other functions;

  • Mr. Serigne DIEYE, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 518 082/R, previously Ambassador, Chief of Staff of the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Marcelo Rebelo De SOUSA, President of the Portuguese Republic, replacing Mrs. Fatoumata Binetou Rassoul CORREA, called to other functions;

  • Mrs. Mariame SY, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 514 789/Z, previously Ambassador of Senegal to Spain, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia, replacing Mr. Bassirou SENE, who is retiring;

  • Mr. Mbaba Coura NDIAYE, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 513 808/I, previously Ambassador of Senegal to Burkina Faso, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE, President of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, replacing Mr. Serigne DIEYE, called to other functions;

  • Mr. Amadou Ndéné NDOYE, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 606 903/Z, previously Minister-Counselor at the Embassy of Senegal in New Delhi, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. John Dramani MAHAMA, President of the Republic of Ghana, replacing Mr. Aboubacar Sadikh BARRY, called to other functions;

  • Mr. Stéphan Sylvain SAMBOU, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 611 465/C, previously Ambassador, Director of Africa and African Union at the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Vladimir PUTIN, President of the Russian Federation, replacing General Jean-Baptiste TINE, called to other functions;

  • Mr. Ousmane DIOP, Principal Foreign Affairs Advisor, payroll number 616 548/E, previously Ambassador, Director of Asia, Pacific, Middle East at the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to His Excellency Mr. Denis SASSOU-NGUESSO, President of the Republic of Congo, replacing Mr. Abou LO.

    Mr. Djibril FOFANA, Principal Foreign Affairs Chancellor, payroll number 519 138/G, is appointed Consul General of Senegal in Milan, replacing Mr. Mamadou Lamine DIOUF."


    • Mr. Babacar MBAYE, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 604444/F, previously Director of Customs Operations, is appointed Director General of Customs, replacing Mr. Mbaye NDIAYE, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Ousmane KANE, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 606888/D, previously Regional Director of the North, is appointed Director of Customs Operations, replacing Mr. Babacar MBAYE, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Papa Thialaw FALL, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 604442/H, previously Director of Internal Control of Customs, is appointed Director of Regulation and International Cooperation, replacing Mr. Pape NDIAYE, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Soulé Ciré BOCOUM, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 611491/J, previously Finance Inspector at the IGF, is appointed Director of Internal Control of Customs, replacing Mr. Papa Thialaw FALL, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Amidou NDIAYE, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 606880/L, previously Director of Intelligence, Risk Analysis, and Valuation, is appointed Director of Customs Information Systems, replacing Mr. Abdourahmane WADE, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Ibrahima FAYE, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 606890/M, previously Regional Director of Dakar Port, is appointed Director of Intelligence, Risk Analysis, and Valuation, replacing Mr. Amidou NDIAYE, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Ndiaga SOUMARÉ, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 608850/K, previously Head of the Hydrocarbons Office at the Directorate of Customs Operations, is appointed Director of Customs Investigations, replacing Mr. Issa NIANG, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Malang DIEDHIOU, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 608859/B, previously Regional Director of the South, is appointed Director of Facilitation and Partnership with the Enterprise, replacing Mr. Mouhamadine Oumar BA, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Cheikh DIOUF, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 624497/F, previously Head of the Personnel and Career Management Office at the Directorate of Human Resources, is appointed Regional Director of the South, replacing Mr. Malang DIEDHIOU, called to other functions;

    • Mr. Bourama DIEME, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 616277/I, previously Regional Director of the South-East, is appointed Regional Director of the West, replacing Mr. Ahmadou THIOYE, called to other functions.

      • Mr. Issa NDIAYE, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 611433/B, previously Technical Advisor to the Director General of Customs, is appointed Regional Director of the Southeast, replacing Mr. Bourama DIEME, called to other functions;

      • Mr. Saliou DIOUF, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 608856/E, previously Regional Director of the Center, is appointed Regional Director of Maritime Units, replacing Mr. Ousmane FAYE, called to other functions;

      • Mr. Ibrahima THIAM, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 611464/D, previously Head of the Private Office, is appointed Regional Director of the Center, replacing Mr. Saliou DIOUF, called to other functions;

      • Mrs. Fary SENE, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 611452/E, previously Chief of the Enterprise Control Section at the Directorate of Customs Investigations, is appointed Director of Logistics and Finance, replacing Mr. Abdou Khadre Dieylani NIANG, called to other functions;

      • Mr. Babacar Mbagnick FALL, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 606887/E, previously Head of the Dakar-Port South Customs Office at the Directorate of Customs Operations, is appointed Regional Director of Dakar-Port, replacing Mr. Ibrahima FAYE, called to other functions;

      • Mr. Mamadou DIAME, Principal Inspector of Customs, payroll number 616196/M, previously Head of the Transit, Transshipment, and Re-exportation Office at the Directorate of Customs Operations, is appointed Regional Director of Hydrocarbons, replacing Mr. Abdourahmane BA, called to other functions;

      • Mr. Ahmadou THIOYE, Principal Inspector of Exceptional Class Customs, payroll number 606906/C, previously Regional Director of the West, is appointed Regional Director of the North, replacing Mr. Ousmane KANE, called to other functions.

      The Minister of Vocational and Technical Training, Government Spokesperson, Amadou Moustapha Njekk SARRE