The First Lady Foundation

The First Lady Foundation

La Première Dame

The creation of the SERVE SENEGAL Foundation is ascribeable to a simple aspiration: to improve the daily lives of the most disadvantaged of my compatriots.

Mrs. Marème Sall


To foster every social action likely to serve the weakened and neediest populations.

To encourage associations and Non-Governmental Organizations along with all private initiatives in favour of those disadvantaged populations.


To work toward the economic and social promotion of the Senegalese people, and the advent of a SENEGAL of prosperity and well-being.


Provide medical support to the most disadvantaged, in particular as pertains to hygiene and prevention.


Provide support to hospital or health facilities by improving their equipment and thereby enable better access to care across the pouplation.


Facilitate access to drinking water by building, refurbishing, and maintaining drinking water sources.


Give logistical and financial support in the fields of education, health, and the environment.


Contribute to the funding, building, and renewing of health centres or dispensaries.


Promote the building, renovation, and up-keep of places of worship.


Provide appropriate support to educational institutions and students by adding to their educational resources.


Stimulate and promote all scientific research in the fields referred to above through a variety of actions, including the creation of a prize rewarding scientific work.


Organize educational, informational, and public awareness actions for the emergence of ecological good citizenship and a widespread environmental conscience.

Fondation Servir Sénégal
Avenue Léopold S. Senghor
Annexe Palais de la République — BP 32000
Tel : 33 880 86 00 — 33 880 80 80